The First Gulf Consulting Group’s Corporate Governance is the process structure aimed at ensuring effective and transparent management of our business, contributing to the sustainable achievement of objectives and balancing the different stakeholders’ interests such as clients, shareholders, employees, and the community. Here are some principles of our governance framework :
- Transparency: All processes and decisions must be open and transparent to everyone, and information must be fully available to employees and clients upon request.
- Accountability: Responsibilities and duties must be clearly defined, and all parties must be held accountable for their performance and decisions.
- Diversity and Representation: There should be diversity in the management structure and work teams, and the local community and different cultures should also be represented in the leadership and decision-making structures.
- Control and Review Framework: Strong internal control systems and continuous review mechanisms must be in place to ensure compliance with standards, policies, and laws.
- Risk Management: There must be procedures to identify, assess, and manage potential risks, and take necessary actions to address them.
- Professional Development: Employees should be encouraged to develop their skills and provided with opportunities for continuous training and development.
- Ethics and Legal Compliance: We must adhere to the highest standards of professional ethics and legal guidelines in all aspects of our work.
- Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Principles of sustainability and social responsibility must be integrated into our strategies and operations.